Name: | Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus + Visio Pro + Project Pro + Shar ....torrent |
Status: |
 | This torrent has been verified to be real and without virusses. |
version : 15.0.4551.1007
Official website: link
Language: English , Russian
Treatment: Complete
Type of medicine : KMSAuto | Microsoft Toolkit | KMSpico | KMS ACT
System requirements :
▪ Computer and processor : 1 gigahertz ( GHz ) or higher , x86- or x64-
bit . processor with SSE2 instruction set
▪ Memory (RAM) : 1 gigabyte (GB ) RAM (32 -bit ). 2 gigabyte (GB ) RAM (
64 -bit )
▪ Hard disk: 3.0 gigabyte (GB ) of free space
▪ Screen: graphics hardware acceleration requires a graphics card with
support for DirectX10 and resolution of 1024 x 576
▪ Operating system: Windows 7 , Windows 8 , Windows Server 2008 R2 or
Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Office 2013 - the best package of applied programs for working
on documents of various types. It is composed of the best facilities
for business development,
as well as to achieve maximum comfort while studying , doing home
finances , and more. Whether it's business or home environment , it does
not matter ,
Office 2013 simply must be installed on any self-respecting computer
used not only for entertainment. Effective and easy to use simple tools
can help home users and
small businessmen greatly enhance their productivity in all their
activities , ranging from e -mail , scheduling and ending the day
informative reports and stunning
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